Mass Spectrometers
GC-MS DSQ II (Thermo)
- quadrupole, EI+ 70 eV ionization
Instrument parameters (pdf file)
GC-MS ISQ (Thermo)
- quadrupole, EI+ 70 eV ionization
- VOC analysis - TDU unit and PTV inlet (Gerstel), canister system (Tekmar)
Instrument parameters (pdf file)
GC-MS Agilent 7010 (Agilent)
- tripple-quadrupole, EI+ 70 eV ionization
- multimode inlet, solid sample probe
Instrument parameters (pdf file)
GC-MS Agilent 7200 Q-TOF (Agilent)
- high-resolution quadrupole-TOF, EI+ 70 eV, CI ionization
- multimode inlet, solid sample probe
Instrument parameters (pdf file)
LC-MS LTQ-Orbitrap Velos (Thermo)
- high-resolution linear ion trap - Orbitrap, ESI, APCI ionization, HPLC (quaternary 600 bar pump) and UV detector
Instrument parameters (pdf file)
LC-MS TSQ Quantum Access Max (Thermo)
- tripple quadrupole, ESI, APCI ionization, HPLC (quaternary 1250 bar pump) and PDA detector
Instrument parameters (pdf file)