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Laboratory of X-ray Diffractometry and Spectrometry

PDF5+ database licencing, PDF-5 Server with 10 licences


Database PDF5+ includes INORGANIC and ORGANIC compounds, everything which ICDD can offer.

The Laboratory of X-ray diffractometry has a new product from ICDD from 2024 PDF-5+ Server edition https://www.icdd.com/server-edition/ with 10 licenses, which allows simultaneous connection of 10 users (clients) via the intranet. The PDF5+ database is installed on each local computer and occupies 38Gb. There can be more than 10 local installations, but at the same time the server allows only 10 users to work. The price of 1 license that can be run on multiple computers is $590 and must be paid for annually.

The PDF5+ database works with the evaluation software HighScore Plus 4.* and 5.*, it does not work with HighScore Plus version 3 and lower.  Windows 11 is recommended.


HighScorePlus 5 licencing – evaluation software from  firm PANalytical

Laboratory of X-ray diffractometry and spectrometry uses the program HighScore Plus 5 to evaluate powder data. HighScore Plus 5 has got many applications, makes work with database PDF5+ easy and you can read all necessary crystallographic information for Rietveld method with just one click.  Single licence costs 10.000Kč and it is not time limited. In the case of interest call Dr.Maixner.  

PDF4+ database licencing

The PDF4+ or PDF2 databases including d, I values of crystalline substances are necessary for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of powder data. PDF4+ database can be purchased from ICDD and the new-single licence for an academic user costs 5875$. The database is operational only for one year and then a yearly update must be purchased 1250$.  

Laboratory of X-ray diffractometry and spectrometry has available Master (Site) licenci. This licence costs for academic institutions also 5875$ and yearly update 1250$. If an academic institution owns the Master (Site) licence, than it is possible to buy unlimited number of additional licences for 1250$ and yearly update 495$.

Laboratory of X-ray diffractometry and spectrometry takes an active part in PDF4+ database expansion and  Dr.Maixner and Ing.Pažout obtained certificates for newly created cards.

Updated: 27.1.2025 08:38, Author: Jan Prchal

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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